Home Renovation Blog
Let it Rain: Preparing Your Home for Monsoon Season

While people in other parts of the country complain about gray skies and showers, we Arizonans practically do a celebratory dance whenever precipitation comes our way. But one can still have too much of a good thing. Hence, the monsoon season, when our beloved desert is not only doused with...
Selling Strategies: Simple Tips to Help Your Home Shine

When you buy a house, it’s only natural to want to change things up a bit. After all, you’re likely planning to settle in for quite some time, so it makes sense to invest in amenities that make it truly feel like home. But what if you’re wanting to sell? People often ask me if it makes...
Chill Out: Keeping Your Home Cool During the Scorching Summer

Chill Out: Keeping Your Home Cool During the Scorching Summer
It’s no secret that the Arizona temperatures aren’t for the faint of heart. But even though we’re in the midst of braving our third summer here, Victoria and I continue to perfect the finer points of handling...